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OnlyTheGhosts's avatar




For all those people who "believe" that there was no choice, or that the atomic bombing of cities filled with innocent civilians was necessary, WAKE UP AND THINK.

You've been lied to. Official history, regardless of the government, no matter what country you live in, is always filled with lies by the authorities in order to manipulate the common people.

I've rated this as Mature because of the horrific injuries shown. According to the rules of warfare such as the Hague Conventions at the time, these actions were war crimes. Cities filled with civilians are not valid military targets.

People who pretend that the nuclear bombings "saved lives" are living in a fantasy world of denial of the true horrors of what their national leaders had done.

The popular claim in the USA that the dropping of the nuclear bombs saved a million lives was only a fiction created by McGeorge Bundy, who later confessed that he had pulled it out of thin air in order to justify the bombings in a 1947 Harper's magazine essay he had ghostwritten for Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson.

For those who try to excuse such horrors of war by saying that the Japanese people "deserved" this, I suspect you must be psychotically deranged from normal human morality. Attacking cities filled with civilians, whether simply bombing without any care for "collateral damage" or deliberately to set fire to residential neighbourhoods is disgusting, obscene, and makes those who carry out such acts or order them no better than any other mass murderer. They are crimes that will resonate throughout history in centuries to come, and will be seen as such by your own descendants even if you deny them.

The USA and the UK governments had already crossed the moral threshold with the strategic bombing of German cities from 1940; they began this well before the English city of Coventry was attacked (in retaliation though the British public were lied to about the obvious reasons). These bombings of cities were totally unnecessary for winning the war, they were aimed at slaughtering mass numbers of civilians. You may have read only of destruction of Dresden but 61 German cities were destroyed in this way.

It is one of the greatest triumphs of modern emotional engineering that, in spite of the plain facts of the case which could never be disguised or even materially distorted, the British public, throughout the Blitz Period (1940-1941), remained convinced that the entire responsibility for their sufferings rested on the German leaders.’
Advance to Barbarism, F.J.P. Veale.

‘It may be Inconvenient History but England rather than Germany initiated the murderous slaughter of bombing civilians thus bringing about retaliation. Chamberlain conceded that it was “absolutely contrary to International law.” It began in 1940 and Churchill believed it held the secret of victory. He was convinced that raids of sufficient intensity could destroy Germany’s morale, and so his War Cabinet planned a campaign that abandoned the accepted practice of attacking the enemy’s armed forces and, instead made civilians the primary target. Night after night, RAF bombers in ever increasing numbers struck throughout Germany, usually at working class housing, because it was more densely packed.’
The Peoples’ War, Angus Calder. London, Jonathan Cape, 1969.

Well over 100,000 Allied soldiers became POWs during WW2 in the Pacific; when they surrendered, the Japanese military tried to take care of them, transport them elsewhere, feed them. Poorly yes, but they still tried. It certainly wasn't luxurious, but neither was the treatment that the typical Japanese soldier had, especially with food shortages. Around 20,000 Allied POWs were killed by the Americans themselves when they sank Japanese merchant ships, then proceeded to shoot all of the lifeboats and kill anyone in the water.

The Japanese were forced to fight to death because even if they surrendered they'd be murdered anyway. It happened all over the Pacific. The Americans only took several hundred Japanese soldiers as POWs during the whole of WW2 because they were too busy murdering all of the Japanese soldiers who'd tried to surrender. Killing them in lifeboats, sinking merchant ships, murdering people in hospitals, shooting down Japanese POWs in long lines on Australian and American military airfields in the Pacific. Some Japanese soldiers who surrendered to the Americans were thrown out of aircraft in flight.

The Americans did the same in Europe during WW2; German soldiers who tried to surrender were usually killed by the Americans anyway.

When Japanese soldiers were captured, they were usually quickly murdered afterwards. Japanese soldiers were taken aboard aircraft, interrogated, then thrown out of the aircraft while it was still in flight as soon as the interrogation was finished. Wrote one witness: When they flew Japanese prisoners back for questioning on a C-47, they kept the freight door at the side of the plane open, and when the questioning of each man was concluded, he’d be kicked overboard before they reached their destination.

Australian and American soldiers wrote in letters about this, and about using machineguns to slaughter thousands of Japanese POWs. Just as they were doing in Europe, Americans in the Pacific almost never took prisoners. The awful truth never mentioned in American war films, or in any of the American books, is that the American military cared nothing for morality, the rules of war, treaties, nor the Hague Conventions.

While General Eisenhower was busily murdering as many as 1.5 million disarmed German prisoners in his secret death camps, Admiral William Halsey, USA commander of operations in the South Pacific, seemed determined that not a single Japanese in his sphere of operations would survive to even reach a death camp: “Kill Japs! Kill Japs! Kill more Japs!” Halsey exhorted his men time and time again.

“You will take no prisoners, you will kill every yellow son-of-a-bitch, and that’s it,” yelled a marine colonel to his men as their landing craft was about to touch shore on one Japanese-held island.

USA naval vessels routinely shelled all Japanese life boats and machine-gunned any survivors still in the water. Overhead, Japanese pilots who escaped from burning planes were themselves murdered by Allied airmen as they struggled in their parachute harnesses.

Wrote one American soldier early in the war: Japanese were known to come out of the jungle unarmed with their hands raised crying ‘”mercy, mercy,” only to be mowed down by machine-gun fire.

Repeatedly on every contested island and every spit of sand, Japanese soldiers and sailors were slaughtered the instant they raised their hands and walked forward to surrender. The failure to take prisoners insured that thousands of American soldiers would also be killed by Japanese who were forced to dig in and fight to the death since they were only going to be murdered by the Americans if they surrendered anyway.

“If men had been allowed to surrender honourably,” admitted one Japanese veteran late in the war, “everybody would have been doing it.”

With discipline lax, those American soldiers who wanted to torture, kill and mutilate, did. Along a wide stream dividing the two armies on Guadalcanal, fresh arriving troops noticed decapitated Japanese heads stuck on poles facing across the river. There on the “Canal” and elsewhere, USA Marines tossed the dead and dying into open latrines while others laughingly urinated into the open mouths of the wounded.

The collection of ears, noses, fingers, and other body parts was a pastime many marines proudly participated in. Some strung the trophies and wore them like necklaces.

“Our boys cut them off to show their friends in fun, or to dry and take back to the States when they go,” said one man matter-of-factly.

In addition to the murder of prisoners, numerous other atrocities occurred. When one marine battalion captured a Japanese field hospital containing over 400 unarmed men, including patients and medics, all were slaughtered on the spot. Other massacres occurred when hundreds, even thousands, of Japanese were driven onto beaches or small peninsulas where there was no hope of escape. American soldiers admitted machine-gunning villages full of civilians and clubbing wounded Japanese soldiers to death as they tried to surrender. Such wholesale “kill offs” reminded one Midwestern marine of nothing so much as the merciless massacre of jack rabbits driven into fenced enclosures back home.

Understandably, when news reached Japan that the bodies of their sons and husbands were being wantonly abused and that the USA president himself countenanced such atrocities, there was outrage.

Keep in mind, Japanese military did take prisoners, they may not have fed them well, but they had POWs by the tens of thousands to take care of. The USA military rarely took any prisoners at all. They simply killed and tortured and raped.

The USA military slaughtered half of the population of Okinawa, and there were so many rapes that Okinawan women were killing themselves in order to escape. Women were raped in front of their families, their children murdered, their husbands and fathers and brothers murdered. The only boys who survived were those who'd been previously sent to the mainland islands of Kyushu and Honshu before the Americans arrived.

Everywhere, the American military behaved as savages, ignored treaties and rules of warfare. They thoroughly ignored the Hague Conventions. They were evil incarnate, brainwashed by their leaders to treat all Japanese as sub-humans. Fuelled by lies and hatred, they had no care for common human decency, and their supposedly "Christian" soldiers acted like the worse spawn of Satan.

The use of incendiaries on Japanese cities was a war crime too, 67 Japanese cities filled with civilians were destroyed. In repetition of what the Allies did in Germany, the incendiaries were intentionally dropped on residential neighbourhoods, starting enormous fire storms that swept vast areas. Hundreds of thousands burned to death, many people fleeing and leaping into rivers to escape the infernos were boiled alive instead.

In one raid on Tokyo alone, in one night, an estimated 200,000 people, mostly women and children, were burned to death. 300 B29 bombers dropped nearly 500 000 cylinders of napalm and petroleum jelly on the most densely populated areas of Tokyo. They were aimed at RESIDENTIAL AREAS - not military targets. The M-69s, which released 30-metre streams of fire upon detonating, sent flames rampaging through densely packed wooden homes. Superheated air created a wind that sucked victims into the flames and fed the twisting infernos. Asphalt boiled in the 1,800-degree heat. With much of the fighting-age male population at the war front, women, children and the elderly struggled in vain to battle the flames or flee. The firestorm, hundreds of metres high and fuelled by strong winds, quickly turned 40 square kilometres of Tokyo into an inferno.The firebombing campaign left 9 million people homeless throughout Japan, killing hundreds of thousands and nobody is sure of the exact number who died to this day.

USA Air Force General Curtis LeMay, who ordered these terror bombings across Japan, once said the US military "scorched and boiled and baked to death more people in Tokyo on that night ... than Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined". He acknowledged that if he had been on the losing side, he would've been charged with war crimes.

Following the war, the USA occupation forces engaged in mass rapes and mass murders. In only 3 months in the prefecture of Kanagawa, 30 000 women were raped by American soldiers. In Okinawa, USA soldiers were murdering people and raping women with such frequency that many thousands of women killed themselves to escape. In the Spring of 1946, American GI's cut the phone lines in the city of Nagoya and raped every woman they could get their hands on, including children as young as ten. At another city, USA soldiers broke into a hospital and spent their time raping over 70 women, including one who had just given birth. The mother's infant was flung to the floor and killed. Everywhere there were gang rapes, mass rapes, and mass murders. The American soldiers often acted like savages, and they weren't well controlled by their authorities.

Some people try to excuse all of these atrocities by claiming that Pearl Harbor was a good enough reason - but the attack on Pearl Harbor was not a surprise in any way, shape, or form; the Japanese fleet's movements were monitored across the Pacific. Roosevelt lied. Despite what you may have been taught, the embargoes imposed against oil and food imports to Japan, the sinking of Japanese merchant shipping, were what started the war. The strategy of provoking the war was laid out in the McCollum Memo:

On October 7, 1940, Lieutenant Commander Arthur McCollum of the Office of Naval Intelligence submitted a memo to Navy Captains Walter Anderson and Dudley Knox. Captains Anderson and Knox were two of President Roosevelt's most trusted military advisors. The memo detailed an 8 step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the United States. President Roosevelt, over the course of 1941, implemented all 8 of the recommendations contained in the McCollum memo. Following the eighth provocation, Japan attacked. The public was told that it was a complete surprise, an "intelligence failure", and America entered World War Two. This memo, which proves that the government of the United States desired to lure Japan into an attack, was declassified in 1994.…

Edgar Jones, a veteran who fought in Europe then in the Pacific spoke of the atrocities committed by his own side, angrily:

We Americans have the dangerous tendency in our international thinking to take a holier-than-thou attitude toward other nations. We consider ourselves to be more noble and decent than other peoples, and consequently in a better position to decide what is right and wrong in the world. What kind of war do civilians suppose we fought, anyway? We shot prisoners in cold blood, wiped out hospitals, strafed lifeboats, killed or mistreated enemy civilians, finished off the enemy wounded, tossed the dying into a hole with the dead, and in the Pacific boiled the flesh off enemy skulls to make table ornaments for sweethearts, or carved their bones into letter openers. .  .  . We mutilated the bodies of enemy dead, cutting off their ears and kicking out their gold teeth for souvenirs, and buried them with their testicles in their mouths. . . . We topped off our saturation bombing and burning of enemy civilians by dropping atomic bombs on two nearly defenseless cities, thereby setting an all-time record for instantaneous mass slaughter.

Some people try to claim that the Japanese "deserved it", which just goes to show how disgustingly disconnected from decent human ethics these apologists are. Those hundreds of thousands of civilians killed didn't "deserve" to be burnt to death, boiled to death, or murdered. The Japanese women didn't "deserve" to be raped - then often murdered afterwards. The surrendering Japanese soldiers didn't "deserve" to be slaughtered and their body parts chopped for use as souvenirs either.

How were the Japanese soldiers supposed to surrender when they were MURDERED anyway? Your ship gets sunk, you sit in a lifeboat, what happens? The Americans come along and blow-up the lifeboats. You end in a hospital ship, it gets sunk by the Americans. The Americans slaughtered Japanese POWs on airfields, lining them up and using machineguns to kill thousands at time. When the Americans finally arrived in Okinawa, they raped and slaughtered their way across the island and killed half the population (Wikipedia falsely downplays this, claiming it was a third - but the Okinawans themselves know it was HALF the population). Many women killed themselves rather than be raped by the Americans. Do you think fire-bombing 67 cities full of civilians is NOT a war crime? Then blowing up two more cities filled with civilians even though the Japanese government had already offered surrender is also NOT a war crime?

In more recent wars, what was done to cities such as Fallujah in Iraq, to the fleeing Iraqi soldiers and civilians who left Kuwait and were slaughtered by use of thermobaric bombs, the bombings of civilians in Afghanistan and elsewhere, the torture of prisoners, show that the USA government and military still don't respect treaties or such pieces of paper as the Geneva Conventions. The Western nations in their various wars have murdered sixty million civilians since the end of World War 2 - and their governments always lied about the reasons, always told lies to their people about the necessity, and the wars have always been about more money and more power for the super-rich elites who control their countries. There hasn't been a single year in the past 100 years in which the USA hasn't been in a war somewhere, and for most of those wars, false flags and lies were used to convince the American people that these wars were "needed".

I see little of this ever mentioned in the USA news media, and apparently very few Americans are even aware of any of this. They just go into denial and pretend that none of this happened.

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PeteSeeger's avatar
This is all verifiable bullshit.